Jim Stottlemyer

Barbara Fordney

Jim Stottlemyer

John Stewart

Jim Stottlemyer

Maury Mahan

Barbara Fordney

John Lehman

Bill Fordney

Joe Wertner

John Hough

Joe Wertner

Don Rink

Jim Stottlemyer

June Challenge
A Lidded Box

Carroll Stottlemyer

Bill Fordney

Jim Stottlemyer

Larry Miller

Bob Robinson

Devin Beery

Bob Robinson

Rod Stabler

Barbara Fordney

Lloyd Benedict

Fred Penrod

Jim Stottlemyer

John Hough

John Hough

Jim Kline

Bob Robinson

John Hough

Bill Fordney

May Challenge
Something Practical

Grant Wheeler

Bob Robinson

2014 Monthly Show and Tell

Bill Fordney

Evon Barvinchak

Joe Wertner

Grant Wheeler

Bob Robinson

Devin Beery

Lloyd Benedict

Carroll Stottlemyer

February and March Show and Tell

Grant Wheeler

April Show and Tell

John Hough

John Stewart

July Challenge
Winged Bowl

John Stewart

Jim Stottlemyer

Barbara Fordney

Carroll Stottlemyer

John Lehman

Larry Miller

Lloyd Benedict

John Stewart

Maury Mahan

Joe Wertner

November Challenge

Larry Miller

April Challenge
A Spoon or Scoop

February and March Challenge
A Weed Pot

January Challenge
Drinking Vessel

Jim Stottlemyer

John Lehman

Devin Beery

October Show and Tell

Jim Stottlemyer

Dan Long

John Lehman

Grant Wheeler

John Hough

September Show and Tell

March Challenge
A Tool Handle

Colby Benedict

Don Rink

Ruth Niles

Joe Wertner

John Stewart

Barbara Fordney

**Click Images to Enlarge**

Bob Robinson

Don Rink

Joe Wertner

Bill Caldwell

Jim Stottlemyer

Dan Long

Jim Stottlemyer

John Stewart

Joe Wertner

July Show and Tell

John Stewart

Lee Burkholder

Jim Stottlemyer

Dan Long

June Show and Tell

Lloyd Benedict

Grant Wheeler

Maury Mahan

Joe Wertner

Serving Adams, Franklin, Cumberland and Fulton Counties in PA, Washington County, MD. and Morgan County, WV.   
 We are a local chapter of the American Assoc. of Woodturners

November Show and Tell

Bill Caldwell

Jim Stottlemyer

​​​Cumberland Valley Woodturners

Carson Benedict

January Show and Tell

Lee Burkholder